Purpose:         Data Hiding, Constructors, Destructors, Friends

Points:                        25

Instructor:      Dana Steil

Turn In:         All Files in Easel

Files:               String.h, String.cpp, StringIterator.h, StringIterator.cpp, Test.cpp


String Assignment


Part 1.a

            Fix all mistakes from strings part 2.


Part 1.b

Modify your String class from assignment 4 to make StringIterator a friend.



Part 2 Create a class named StringIterator with the following:



int index;                     // The current index in focus for a given String                                             

const String& string;   //A reference to the string to iterate

Or                                or

const String* pString; //A pointer to the string to iterate



StringIterator(const String& stringToIterate);            //Make the index = 0

//Maintain a reference or pointer the stringToIterate

char currentCharacter();          //return \0 if there is not a current character

bool atWhiteSpace();              //return true if the current character is white space (‘ ‘,\n,\r,\f,\v,\t)

                                    //the function that does this is “isspace(char c)” in the cctype library

char nextCharacter();              //return \0 if there is not a next character

char previousCharacter();        //return \0 if there is not a previous character

bool moveForward(int CharactersToMove = 1);        //return false if it can not make the move

bool movePrevious(int CharactersToMove = 1);        //return false if it can not make the move

bool moveToNextWord();                                          // return false if it can not make the move

bool moveToPreviousWord();                         // return false if it can not make the move

void moveToFront();

void moveToEnd();

String currentWord(); //return a new String containing the word the Iterator currently resides in

                        //if it is currently on white space just use the one white space character



Later we will take care of a referenced String dieing without the Iterator knowing about it.